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Templates CLI


tps init

Initialize local settings

--version Show version number [boolean]
--verbose, -v More in-depth logging [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--force, -f Initialize tps in cwd no matter what [boolean]
--global, -g Initialize tps globally [boolean]

Initialize your repo as a tps repo. This will allow you to set tps template settings and build templates for your repo. This command will create a .tps folder and a .tpsrc file inside of it.

| - .tps/
| - .tpsrc

Tps will throw an error if you try to initialize a child directory when a parent directory is already initialized. If you would like to do this anyways see forcing a repo.

Initializing a repo

First navigate into the directory that you wish to initialize local settings.

cd some/path/to/repo

Initialize template settings

tps init

Initializing tps globally

use the --global flag when you want tps to be initialized globally. This will place the .tps folder and .tpsrc file in your home directory

tps init --global

Forcing a repo

use the force flag when you want a repo to be initialized but a parent directory is already initialized

tps init --force


tps list

Show all available templates

--version Show version number [boolean]
--verbose, -v More in-depth logging [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--global, -g List out global files [boolean] [default: true]
--local, -l List out global files [boolean] [default: true]

List all available templates that you can use. local refers to local templates, which are templates available in your current working directory (cwd). global stands for global templates, accessible from anywhere on your system.

> tps list
- react-component
- new-test
- new-api


cli copy <template>

Copy a template

--version Show version number [boolean]
--verbose, -v More in-depth logging [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]

Copy a template to your local tps directory. Files can then be changed to fit users needs.


Useful when you like the template but want to add additional features or make a few modifications


Copy Templates default react-component.

> tps copy react-component


| - <cwd>
| - .tps/
| - react-component/
| - <all packages and files from react-component template>


tps [use] [buildPaths...]

render a new instance from a template

--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --verbose More in-depth logging [boolean] [default: false]
--env Load environment variables from a .env file
[boolean] [default: true]
--help Show help [boolean]
-u, --use Template package to create your with [string]
-p, --packages Additional Packages to use when building your template[array]
-d, --default Use all default answers to all prompts [boolean]
-f, --newFolder Create a new folder [boolean]
--force force the template to be made. This will override any files
that tps needs to create [boolean]
--wipe force the template to be made. This will delete the directory
if exists [boolean]
--hidden Prompt all hidden prompts [boolean]

Render a new instance of a template.


Checkout out the Template Options API for more information about template options

Single build path

tps react-component Nav

Long build path

tps react-component components/Nav

Multiple build paths

tps react-component components/Nav components/Button pages/Home


new template

tps new template <template>

create a new template

--version Show version number [boolean]
--verbose, -v More in-depth logging [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
tps new template react-component


| - .tps
| - react-component/
| - default/
| - settings.json

new package

tps new package <template> <package>

create a new package in a template

--version Show version number [boolean]
--verbose, -v More in-depth logging [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
tps new package react-component css


| - .tps
| - react-component/
| - css/
| - default/
| - <other files or directories...>