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Welcome to Templates


Templates is commonly referred as tps. Any mentions to tps is referring to the whole library and not individual templates you can create. Dont worry we will go over this later

Hey there! As a developer, you know that writing code can sometimes get repetitive. Well, here's a fantastic solution for you: Templates!

Templates are like handy collections of files and code that you can use over and over again. Imagine having a set of blueprints for specific pieces of code, like entire React component, API controllers, or any other parts of your project. Instead of just small code snippets, templates encompass entire file structures, allowing you to include not just code, but also folders, configuration files, and more!

When you create a template, it becomes your go-to tool for speeding up your workflow. Rather than manually piecing together code snippets, templates generate entire sections of your project instantly. This is especially useful for larger pieces of code or complete project architectures.

The beauty of templates lies in their dynamic nature. You have the freedom to include logic, conditional statements, and dynamic values within your code. This means your templates can adapt and change based on the context or user input, making them incredibly flexible and powerful.

So, whether you're building a web app, mobile project, or anything else, templates are your dynamic coding superheroes! They save you time, ensure consistency, and help you avoid repetitive tasks. Give it a try and witness how templates take your coding game to the next level!"


npm install -g templates-mo

Getting started

Create a new template

Unlock the power of customization by learning how to create your very own custom templates!

Search for exisiting templates

Explore our library of existing templates!

Coming from Create-components-react?

Hello, wonderful friends! Your support for my packages is truly appreciated. To enhance your development experience, we have thoughtfully crafted a react-component template that comes right out of the box for an easy transition! Exciting, right?

To get started, head over to the react-component template documentation. There, you'll find all the valuable information you need to make the most of this template. Ready to make a new template? Check out our create a new template docs

Migrate your react component template

If you would like migrate your old create components react component into a templates equivilent, you can do so with the migrate command

By default it will put your template inside a react-component template

tps migrate

or you can change the name of the new template by adding a name:

tps migrate some-name

The default react-component name will conflict with templates default react-component template. This means that you will not be able to access templates version of this template . We assume this is ok since create components react purpose was for react components. If you still would like access to templates default template then we recommend to change the name